An original detailed antique copper engraved hand coloured map from l'Atlas Topographique et Militaire de la Bohéme (Topographical and military atlas of Bohemia). This particular map has number 22 and portrays the region of north-eastern Bohemia, Orlické mountains and part of south-western Poland. Among the important cities portrayed in this map are Czech cities Königingratz (Hradec Králové), Iaromirz (Jaroměř), Neustatt (Nové Město nad Metují), Königshof (Dvůr Králové nad Labem), Arnan, Trautenau (Turnov), Braunau (Broumov), and Náchod and Polish cities Glatz (Kłodzko), Habelschwerd (Bystrzyca Kłodzka) and Wünschelburg (Radków).
Good condition, foldable, cut into 4 sections and mounted on strong linen.
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