J. Schouws Übersicht der verbreitung der wichtigsten Kultur

Bibliographischen Institut zu Hildburghausen, Amsterdam, Paris und Philadelphia
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J. Schouws Übersicht der verbreitung der wichtigsten Kultur, =Baum= und Strauchgewächse in Europa, mit Angabe der Isotheren und Isochimenen

Original antique map originally publisehd in Berghaus Physikalischer atlas, translated as "J. Schouw's overview of the distribution of the most important crops, trees and shrubs in Europe, with details of the isothers and ischimenes". The hand coloured outlines show northern limit of the most important crops and trees, the uncoloured black solid outlines represent the Isotheres (lines of mean summer temperatures), while the dotted lines represent isochimenes (mean winter temperatures).

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Darker age toning around the edges, folded as issued.

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