NavWarMap #2, titled “The South China Sea Area,” is a captivating historical artifact that offers an extraordinary visual and informational perspective on the geopolitics of Southeast Asia during World War II. Produced as part of a series by the United States Navy, this double-sided map served as a strategic communication tool, blending cartography, military intelligence, and historical context to inform and educate. It is a prime example of wartime cartographic art and propaganda, designed to underscore the importance of the South China Sea region to both military operations and economic stability.
The map’s central focus is the intricate network of sea lanes, air bases, and strategic locations that define the South China Sea and its surrounding territories. With striking visual clarity, it highlights key features, including Japanese invasion routes, air and naval base locations, and the critical resources produced in the region, such as tin, tungsten, rice, and oil. Its use of arrows, diagrams, and vibrant colors conveys the movement of goods, troops, and military power, making it both an educational and aesthetically engaging piece. The insets and illustrations emphasize the region's economic vitality, with detailed depictions of human labor in agricultural, mining, and industrial activities, further demonstrating the area’s significance in global commerce and wartime logistics.
On the other side there is a map no. 1 of the NavWarMap series, titled The Mediterranean.
The map has stronger fold marks and several small holes along the fold lines. Closed tear (around 6 cm long) along the centrefold. Otherwise in good condition.
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