Very important atlas for Czechoslovakian nation, actually the first major atlas written completely in Czech language with Czech geographical names. The work on this atlas begun in the early 20th century, but due to many complications during its preparation (which are explained in the preface) and also due to the drawback caused by the First World War, it was only published nearly 20 years later in 1924. The atlas is a bit more diverse than many of its foreign "competitors" of that time and it contains many thematic maps like language maps, geological maps, physical maps, weather maps, transport maps and also many side maps showing important regions and cities close up. Many detailed maps of Austria-Hungary monarchy prove it's beginning dates back to the time it still existed. Some of the maps actually had to be revised during its making and new country borders were printed on the top of the old ones, which makes the maps very unique and somehow time proof. The atlas is not only valued for its rich and diverse cartography, but also for its statistical information at the beginning of the book. Each country in the list is labeled with name, constitution, area in square kilometers and number of citizens. It is no surprise there is also an alphabetical index of names at the end but there is also an adition of separate index of czech loclal names.